Be who you want to be

I am at a stage of my life where I can call myself a grown up and a child at the same time. This makes me a little bit confused at times, but I think it is an advantage, most of the time. I can choose whom I want to be. My passion is imagination itself, fantasy. Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, I could go on forever. I love the thought of another world and being someone else. Therefore, my passion for makeup has grown. I can be anything, for example a vampire?



4 Replies to “Be who you want to be”

  1. You’re at a wonderful period in your life (we all pass through it) where youthful idealism mixes with uncertainty as you test “the waters” ahead. Best of luck to you. My grandson is going through this stage as well and right now the confusion appears to have the upper hand. He doesn’t know which path to choose and the uncertainty of what lies ahead is discouraging him. Don’t worry too much about the future. Everyone has doubts early on about which career to pursue… which relationship to develop… and so forth. It’s what makes life so very interesting. 🙂

  2. Wow, thank you! That really helps a lot!
    Your grandson is [b]lucky[/b] to have such a supportive and understanding grandfather.
    Tell him I said hi, knowing that there is other people out there in the same situation is comforting!

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